Thursday, July 26, 2012

Yummy Nummers

Before Grandma and Grandma could leave, the boys had to have more baking time with Grandma, this time a Grandma special, Yummy Nummers! (Single serving apple pies) They got to make these for the first time last year and they were such a hit that Grandma did them again with all the kids when we visited at Thanksgiving.
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Roll the dough
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Cut circles and "paint" the edges with egg (or enjoy getting your hand all slimy and just slap it on the whole round.
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Top it and press the edges.
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More egg and then don't forget the cinnamon and sugar on top!
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Poke (stab) the top for a vent and you're ready to bake.
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Here's a few of Carson's turn
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And Avery's turn
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Oooh, can't wait!
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Golden brown goodness.
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