Monday, June 23, 2008

Story Time... In Spanish!

Every night for bedtime Travis always reads the bedtime story. For Christmas we bought Avery the Book of Mormon Stories and The New Testament Stories and after first going through the Book of Mormon, last night we finished the New Testament. I figured we'd go back to the Book of Mormon and Avery must have thought the same since he just about had a fit when Travis pulled out a board book with Old Testament stories (I've read him that for nap times when he chooses). "No! We have TWO special stories! Do the other one now!" (He knows their names, but for bedtime stories that's what he calls them generically) Apparently scriptural stories at bed time have to have a specific binding!
Anyway, instead of getting the the Book of Mormon, Travis grabbed the Spanish version he had from long before. He asked Avery if that would be alright, it was agreed on, but the first thing Avery did when Travis started reading was cover his ears and laugh! It took a bit for the laughing to stop whenever Travis would try again. Avery kept saying "That's a funny story! I've never seen that Spanish story before!" ("I've never seen ___" is a common phrase when he's amused.)
As we kept going, Travis picked out specific words to translate for Avery which of course led to Avery asking every other word "what does ___ mean?" How cute to hear him try and repeat the Spanish.
In the end I suggested from now on we read the story in English first one night and then in Spanish the next. It will be fun to see if some Spanish understanding can develop for Avery.


Anonymous said...

That story made me smile! Avery is such a "funny guy". :)

Anonymous said...

Does Carson listen in on these bedtime stories? Next thing you know the boys will be plotting in Spanish.