Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Superhero Avery!

Change the channel now if you're uninterested in young parent concerns... :)

Avery has been toilet trained for a good year in one department and 6 months in another, but of course night time is a whole different story. Lately we've been reinforcing the idea of dry nights with him and that he's big enough to get up in the night if he has to.

It's been hit and miss but he's slowly been picking up steam. 2 weeks ago he started having more dry nights than not and we got to celebrate a 2 day run. After a day off, this morning made for 7 days in a row! A whole week! Yea Avery! What a superhero! ("Superheroes are always dry at night and don't have to wear diapers, just like Mommy and Daddy") He's very proud of himself now too.

After he showed that this was really happening we got the pull ups back out so if he got up in the night he wouldn't have to come in for help getting put back together. Such a lovely moment that first night I heard him thump out of bed, do his business and run straight back to bed without a glance in our direction.

Now I just hope going to visit Papa and Grandma Hunsaker in Oregon on Friday won't dampen the roll he's on (haha - I only just caught that - no pun intended!)

P.S. I have no idea what the deal is with the peace signs in the pictures. He wanted me to take his picture and started throwing peace signs all over the place.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe he's such a "big" boy!! I watched him take his first steps and it feels like that was just a few months ago??

Angela said...

Go Avery! Ethan still won't get up in the night! Right now we have a deal that if he wakes up dry he gets an airhead and if he's dry two weeks in a row he can get a Spiderman toy. He's very determined and has had 4 days in a row so far, but he still doesn't wake-up to go. He just holds it all night and I wake him up to go before I go to bed.