Monday, July 19, 2010

Youth Conference

Like I said before, I got to be the photographer for our stake's youth conference this year. It was so much fun, I loved it!

The first day started at Youth with a Mission where the kids got to learn about other countries, do some big service projects and have some serious fun on a rock wall, a ropes course and something they called the flying squirrel which allowed you to fly high up into the air and be let back down slowly all by your friends pulling the rope attached to you through a pulley system.

The Youth with a Mission people were awesome and wanted to help provide some good memories for the kids so three of their staff were out taking pictures with me that they then put into a slide show that was readied in time for the end of our day there! It was great to contribute to that and BEYOND helpful having those extra photographers there assisting me in capturing everything that was going on. I'm not going to post any picture with the kids identifiable in them, but I will post these of us photographers being the goofs that we are!

The result of three cameras, pointed at each other
Laurie,Youth Conference

And again, taking each others' picture
Laurie,Youth Conference

I'm had too much fun!
Laurie,Youth Conference

The ranch we camped on was beautiful!
Youth Conference

Youth Conference

And occasionally I got to take a few shots of nature in action instead of kids in action.

I can't believe I spotted this guy, he was so well camoflaged with his lack-luster coloring for a dragonfly!


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