Sunday, November 7, 2010

Nightmare Factory

Do you watch Extreme Makeover Home Edition? Well, their Halloween night special was a place they did right here in Salem, OR. The deaf school here has a haunted house they use to generate a lot of their revenue. Unfortunately the building (which had the boys' dorms also) was shut down due to safety issues. Enter Extreme Makeover Home Edition. They built a new boys' dorm and re-did the haunted house with the help of Rob Zombie.

So Saturday night I went with some friends to check it out! It definitely would have been scary walking through as a single group, but since you're marched through in a big line a lot of the scares were given away before you reach them. Still it was a lot of fun, despite spending 40 minutes of our time in line in the rain. Hence my sopping hair and Jocelyn's "drool" as she called it that leaked through her coat. Hot chocolate was definitely in order afterward! Thank goodness for coffee huts that are open past 11pm!

And one last bit from Halloween... Walgreens screwed up Carson's amoxicillin when he had strep and scarlet fever (which Avery, Emmett and I had already had a couple weeks prior and then I got it again when Carson got it!) so I had to go figure out what the deal was. Not enough water had been added to the mix when they gave it to me so we had been giving Carson a more concentrated dose than he should have had and obviously it wasn't going to last 10 days. Thankfully, it turns out that the higher concentration was within the acceptable dosing range for his weight, so we were given a new, properly prepared, bottle to finish out his 10 day course. That was a bit scary though!

While we waited for the pharmacist to hear back from the doctor's office, Emmett and I hung out in the Halloween isle. All he wanted to do was try on the scary masks. Such a silly boy.

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