Saturday, December 18, 2010

Ward Christmas Party And Santa

Last night was our ward Christmas party. After dinner there was a show and the primary kids did the nativity. After they sang to us. Carson will be in Primary come the New Year, but he followed Avery and got to be a star too. He was a great star. Avery was... present.

Look Mom, I'm a STAR!


Finally it was time for Santa to come. Avery managed to be first in line and apparently Santa thought he should hurry through the kids, so he didn't start out with putting him on his lap. So much for the photo-op. Also, Santa was Great Grandma Hunsaker's husband Don. Avery totally knew.

Again, no photo-op, although at least they finally figured out they shouldn't let all the kids crowd up behind whoever's turn it is.

Oh, and Carson knew who it was too. But he got candy, what does he care if it was Don here to help Santa out?

Emmett didn't care about Santa until a while later when we were trying to leave and then he threw a fit wanting to see him. So after some waiting in line, and we're all antsy to go, and then getting bumped up the line (consisting of all the older kids at that point) when they realized we were one little kid's turn short of being able to leave (thank you for noticing us!) Emmett finally got to see Santa. He took one glance at Santa and then had eyes only for the candy. And I got pictures of just one of my kids in Santa's lap. And the dial on my camera had been bumped and I was too hasty and ready to leave and didn't notice so the originals where practically black. Salvaged black pictures don't come out great. So much for any decent Santa pictures this year.

So I enjoyed the rare socializing I got to have at the party, but we were definitely tired of managing kids by the time we got home. Especially poor Travis who spent the night manhandling and/or chasing Emmett so that I could have some socializing time.

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