Saturday, October 4, 2008

Early Education

Today Avery decided to give Emmett an early Hunsaker style education...

"This is my pop gun, Emmett"

"This is where you hold it, Emmett"

And then I just like this speculative shot with his gun propped up next to him. "Hmm, I wonder if he's listening to me..?" Avery must have decided it was worth more effort because this was followed by more trying to get Emmett to hold it.


Mindy said...

That first picture Emmett actually looks excited. A true Hunsaker. You can use the picture for when he is older and gets the kind of guns his daddy has to show him he had an interest at such a young age. Avery is just the best playing with and taking care of his two little brothers all the time.

Carolyn Hanson said...

Long time, no see. :)
Cute pics! I have yet to see Emmett in the flesh...

(Nice new widget too:)