Wednesday, November 17, 2010

BBP Part 7 Epilogue

Yes, the BBP is already complete.

No, this isn't actually going to show what the yard looks like now. I've already over-loaded the blog with pictures of the backyard, I'm sure the point has been made.

I know I've already done Goliath and his Friends, but in all this work in the backyard, obviously we saw plenty of critters. The fact that I risked life and limb to hold the camera still for those shots makes me feel an obligation to myself to post the pictures. I promise this post won't leave you quaking like the Goliath post. So, here are some other critters we saw during the course of the project.

Back in March digging out the arbor vitae we found some grubs and an empty snail shell. We found four snail shells by the time we finished the summer.
backyard project,bug

backyard project,snail

backyard project,snail

Avery really wanted the grub to go in the shell.
backyard project,snail,grub

Pulling out the bricks in the retaining wall found a lot of critters too. Here's another giant spider. Little did I know that Goliath was going to make this one look tame.
backyard project,spider

Travis has giant hands, and here's a comparison of what his big thumb looks like on the pick compared to the spider! (but again, Goliath was way bigger)
backyard project,spider

Under the retaining wall bricks were a lot of snails and slugs, so I guess we'll never technically be free of those, but no one's going to poke around down there anyway, so the used part of the yard is free of them just as it was before we uprooted them.
backyard project,snail

backyard project,snail

backyard project,snail

backyard project,slug

backyard project,snail

After finding two snails, the boys set them up for a race. One definitely seemed scared of the other and just hunkered down while the other took off
backyard project,snail

Finally the scared one followed the first
backyard project,snail

There they are watching the snail race while Daddy works
backyard project

When I took pictures of the trench I noticed this ugly spider on the fence. I have never seen one like this before! His body reminds me of a potato. Which means he's not a spider. He's a daddy-longlegs since he has only one body section instead of two. Still. Ugly.
backyard project,spider

There was also this bee that looked like he was eating something on the fence post. His head was sort of bobbing up and down and he kept coming back to the plank.
backyard project,bee

I had my wide angle lens on for the potato daddy-longlegs and the bee, so the scary part was how close I got the lens to them just to get an "up close" picture. Still, these pictures are really cropped in.

I thought the bee's shadow in flight was kind of cool.
backyard project,bee

And that's it. See, not as bad as Goliath and no more critters for awhile now, I promise. And no more BBP posts.

The End

1 comment:

Mindy said...

You have some hard workers at your residence. You got so many things done in such a short amount of time. It was fun following your progress.