Thursday, October 9, 2008


This morning started off very badly. Travis had left for school, Avery was up watching TV, Carson was still asleep and I was laying in bed half conscious because I could hear Emmett beginning to stir and I was resisting the notion that 15 more minutes in bed may be wishful thinking...
All of a sudden Avery is screaming bloody murder in the living room, completely hysterical because he want Daddy to get him his morning drink. I charge out there (I don't want him to wake Carson or Emmett and I'm obviously annoyed that I had to be so rudely expelled from my nice warm bed) and frankly, I didn't handle it the best way (I suppose only 4 hours of sleep didn't help me any). Clearly, if your child is in hysterics, yelling at them is NOT the way to calm them down. And Avery was so irrational that I simply would not do for getting him a drink; he actually wanted me to call Daddy and tell him to come back and get it for him! (By the way, Travis HAD gotten Avery his drink but Avery had already downed it and couldn't recall that in his morning and TV induced fog)
So it took a while to get a handle on Avery, meanwhile Carson could clearly be heard impatiently waiting to be retrieved from his crib and he certainly didn't appreciate the rude awakening either. Also, Emmett is now awake and naturally crying to be fed. 3 cranky/crying kids wasn't actually the worst of it - after all, Avery eventually let me get him juice and Carson and Emmett were easy fixes - the worst was my being upset at myself having reacted badly to Avery and setting the whole day off poorly.

This next bit both contributes and relieves the bad morning... Later that morning, after everything was put to right, I "enjoyed" Avery and Carson playing very happily together and I did try to laugh at them. Unfortunately for Emmett and my ears, their playing included a guaranteed headache. Here are two pictures...
...and just so you can appreciate on a small level what those photos show, here's a video of two clips I put together:

Carson is generally the instigator in this type of play, as may be seen when he changes the tone and Avery follows him. Really, that second tone wasn't so bad, but the first tone was most of it, and it lasted a LONG time. In fact, they like to bring it back frequently like it's their favorite song...


Angela said...

Oh we all have our bad days. I know I have. I handle things badly all the when Ethan finger paints the wall with his poo.

Hang in there ^_^

Aaron and Kristel said...

I'm sorry you had a bad start to the day. I'm glad it got better for you as the morning progressed. :) I hope the headache went away quickly afterwards too!

Iris said...

Oh Laurie... I feel you! I've been in similar situations, reacting rashly and what not. Man! It really sends the day off spinning. I am also one who strongly dislikes being rudely waken up :) It puts me in a stinky mood.