Sunday, August 3, 2008

Bits of July

Here are some bits from July that didn't make it into their own posts:

Carson enjoying a wading pool (he only enjoys about that much of it - he's too unsure of the water to go much deeper):
Carson likes to confiscate Avery's Lightning McQueen slippers sometimes. Doesn't he look rather "caught" here?
Carson LOVES this little rocking chair and just kicking back in it. It was a great little find at a garage sale our first summer here for the big price of $1. We couldn't replace those missing screw hole plugs for that price!
Avery, the baller:
We're still working on his form...
The boys getting to swim with their Daddy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love Carson's 'caught' look and his great rocking chair style. He's also going for what Avery has in the water. His fingers look like they're sneaking up on it.