Friday, July 11, 2008

Avery Commentary

The other day Avery shows me, "Look Mom, when I bend my leg my knee goes away, but when (my leg) is straight it comes back!"

Another random one from when we were in Oregon: "Mom, I really like Papa" "Well that's good, I like Papa too" "Yeah, he's SO cool!"

"I don't want a hug! I want a motorcycle!" That was yesterday when Avery got all bent out of shape wanting a motorcycle during the time he was supposed to be napping. Travis (having gotten home early from school) reminded him he needed to take his nap and offered to give him a hug (Avery really was worked up) to which Travis received that remark.

I've been meaning to post some common Avery phrases and have had this post drafted for a bit but those little comments have prompted me to finally publish. So here's some of the most common Avery phrases we hear:

"Well, that's (not) good/very nice"
"I never seen that/_____ before!"
"I don't believe it!"
"____ buddy-guy(s)!" said very fast (Fill in: okay/see ya later/etc) (We think this came from Tigger saying buddy-boy but Avery made a personal adjustment)
"I'm a funny guy"
"Yeah, I can't see my forehead" (a Patrick phrase from Spongebob in which Patrick is mad and that's why)
"That's so cool/awesome"
"I'm so excited"

Avery's also gotten excellent at asking "Please may I..." instead of "Please can I..." (You'd think I should just be happy with him saying "please" but no, I like proper grammar too much, it makes me happy to hear it... :)


Anonymous said...

He's growing up too fast!! ah.. I love the phrase "please may I".. what a cutie :)

RaQuelle Willey said...

Love the funny things kids say! The motorcycle one made me laugh! A real one or a toy one? hmmmm
Wants to be just like dad.