Thursday, July 24, 2008

Carson's First Haircut

Avery never had any curl to his hair. His hair just came together in a little rat tail in the back. You can read about his first haircut here. Since Carson's has a bit of curl, I was avoiding the first haircut. But after just so long, it just got too long without enough curl to make it worth it. Time for the mullet to go! Avery was 17 and a half months, but Carson only made it to a couple days shy of 16 months, but if you look at the post on Avery, you can definitely see Carson has more hair!
The first snip:
Curls are gone, time to finish up:
We went to a place just for kids where Carson got to sit in a race car and, as seen here, intently watch the movie Cars (the first thing he's really found interesting on the tv only just last weekend).
WHAT is that buzzing thing!?
As Daddy gives a final inspection, Mommy says, "Oh, how handsome!"
No more mullet!
Carson freaked out about the cape, so he went without and Daddy used the lint roller on him instead. Meanwhile Carson is still way into Cars. The hairbrush was definitely essential though, since right after Travis wanted to go out to dinner to celebrate his not having any more finals.
The person who cut Carson's hair was great, and at the end he got this cute little certificate they do for the first-timers:


Angela said...

Ethan only made it to 14 months before people started asking me what "her" name was, so he had to get cut then. He had curls like Carson.

Ammon had straight hair, but he wasn't even a year old when I had to start cutting his. It was getting in his eyes.

Anonymous said...

I loved the curls!!!!! I love the certificate they gave you, what a cute memory keepsake. :)

Mindy said...

I really liked his curls too but I guess the mullet is not in style. Maybe he could bring it back? He is handsome with shorter hair though too.