Wednesday, July 2, 2008

DMV Woes

Travis' drivers license expires on his birthday in August, so while we're back in Oregon obviously he needs to renew. Yesterday, Tuesday July 1st, he went to do that. Unfortunately, July 1st was the first day a new law came into effect. Oregon has been particularly bad at not requiring proof of anything if you even remotely look latin/hispanic etc. Racial profiling don't ya know - assuming they must be illegal aliens... But, lets face it, there's no other way to put it, if you're white you had to have all kinds of proof of residency and so forth, at least for a new license, I'm not sure it was necessary for a renewal. So on one hand this new law really is a good thing, but a real put-out for us at the moment. Now, even for a renewal, you have to have your original social security card and birth certificate. Travis' are conveniently back in Wisconsin of course.
Time to make some calls. Sadly, we're not smart enough to have neighbor Greg's (our landlord) number with us, so the lucky friend who answered their phone first got to the great blessing of running an important errand for us. :)
Congratulations RaQuelle on being the winner! Thank you, thank you, thank you, RaQuelle for getting those sent to us! Oh my, would you believe as I finished typing that the doorbell rang! I was going to wait to post this until the package arrived, but no waiting necessary - it's here. Thanks again RaQuelle!
And now Travis is off on the exciting task of sitting around at the DMV...

Edit: THIS is a drivers license!?! Apparently the government had to find a new way to spend more money and create more bureaucracy. Now, instead of printing it for you right then, they've taken that machine away and print you an interim license first. Then, after 5 to 10 days they mail you your real one. How ridiculous.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad RaQuelle was able to help you... I was at work in Mequon when you called, sorry! It looks like your having lots of fun, good for you! :)

RaQuelle Willey said...

Your Welcome! Happy to help and it doesn't hurt have such an awesome friend like me around. he he